Our mission is to provide hope, opportunity, and a real difference to the Polynesian community, starting with our members.


Build a connected community where everyone has the opportunity to be their best self and live a meaningful life.


We are committed to doing what we say, saying what we mean, and genuinely caring for our members and the wider Polynesian community.

FOE is established to benefit the Polynesian Community with the mission, vision, and values outlined above.

  1. Financial Education and Support: Provide financial literacy programs, workshops, and resources to empower individuals in the Polynesian community to make informed decisions about their finances, build wealth, and secure their futures.

  2. Scholarships and Educational Opportunities: Offer scholarships and educational grants to Polynesian students to help them pursue higher education and achieve their academic goals, thereby opening doors to better opportunities and a brighter future.

  3. Entrepreneurship and Business Development: Support aspiring Polynesian entrepreneurs by providing mentorship, training, and resources to help them start and grow successful businesses, creating economic opportunities and sustainable livelihoods within the community.

  4. Community Development Projects: Initiate and support community development projects that focus on farming, healthcare, and social services such as NDIS to improve the quality of life for the Polynesian community, fostering a sense of unity, pride, and well-being.

  5. Cultural Preservation and Promotion: Promote Polynesian culture, traditions, and arts through events, workshops, and initiatives that celebrate and preserve the rich heritage of the community, ensuring that future generations can connect with their roots and heritage.

  6. Philanthropic Initiatives: Engage in philanthropic activities and partnerships that address pressing social issues and support vulnerable populations within the Polynesian community, demonstrating a commitment to social responsibility and collective well-being.

    By implementing these initiatives and more, Family Over Everything can make a meaningful and lasting impact on the Polynesian community, fulfilling its mission to provide hope, opportunity, and a real difference to those in need while creating generational wealth and leaving a positive legacy for future generations.



PHONE: 0483 937 823


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